Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Let's Get Our Learn On!

Be prepared to be awesome! - Kid President

There have been many updates this summer ... I've collected some of my favorite recent Google updates and am providing links so that you can review them.  If you'd like to talk more about them, stop by and be prepared to see more about each of these in upcoming blog posts.  This should whet your appetite!!

1.  Google Classroom - Added Guardians!!  Woot Woot!  Read this article to find out more about how parents/guardians can see into your classroom and see just what their students has done, needs to do, and how they've participated.  You can invite a guardian to view

2.  Google Forms - Allows for images in answer fields!  Image asking which of four images is correct or which one doesn't belong!  You can do this with forms!  I can't wait to add this to my Google Forms instructional slideshows (available under the Dihanna's Presentations)!  Check out this article by Alice Keeler (awesome resource) for more information!

3.  Google Forms - Now has it's own version of Quizzes!  Yes ... any form can be turned into a quiz, and get graded and have grades emailed out WITHOUT using Flubaroo ... check this out!  Here's an article about this topic!

4.  Google Classroom - Organization - You can now organize your class stream and move topics to the top, filter your stream, rename and delete topics.  Check out this article for more information!  You're going to love this!!

5.  Google Docs - Publishing to the web and embedding - not new but great timing for back to school web pages!  :)  This will help you learn exactly how it's done on Weebly - imagine embedding your syllabus once and never having to think about it again!  What about a table with your lesson plans - embed it once and it's there for the year - no updating necessary!!

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