Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year! Cold, flu, germs and SUB PLANS!

It's that time of year where many of us are planning for subs ... with our technology infused curriculum and classrooms we need to make certain that subs are well-informed.

First and probably most important:  Please make sure that this document is printed out and readily available to the sub.  It contains up-to-date information on how to log in as a substitute in all of our buildings.  I would recommend checking back quarterly to see if any information has changed. 

Second:  IF you are a 1:1 laptop teacher and have your laptop at home, please email or contact someone in your building to help the substitute to get a Chromebook.  I'm happy to be a contact person at the High School and Jeanne Lundholm should be the person at the Elementary as MJ is not in daily.

1:1 laptop teachers who have planned absences should make a decision based on the technology needs of the substitute whether they should leave the laptop and take a Chromebook for their use during their absence.  It may be necessary to leave the laptop so that substitutes have software available to them that is not available on a Chromebook (DVD player, IWB software, etc.)  

Third:  Email your lesson plans to the appropriate sub email per the instructions.  If you are sharing them to that account, please go into that account and make sure that they are viewable in Drive.  This might entail you making a folder with your name on it - you will see that some are already made.  If you have questions on this, let me know.

Finally:  IF at all possible make your lesson plans tech-friendly for your sub.  Do your best at instructions and make sure to point out who can be their go-to helper.  I can be reached at 3148, Jeanne Lundholm is at 5150, Matt is at 3237, and Tom Mitchell is at 5126.

And ... IF you know of any subs who are having regular difficulties with accessing our technology, let me know and I'll attempt to meet with them on their next time here.